冰島及法羅群島自行擴張鯖魚配額連累歐洲鯖漁業MSC生態認證失效海洋管理理事會(MSC)證實,因歐盟與冰島、法羅群島兩國就鯖魚配額協商破局,遂自3月31日 起撤銷八大鯖漁業MSC永續認證。MSC該決議影響所及,不僅讓歐洲最九份民宿大的北海及大西洋鯖漁業生態標章失效、連累英國最大的東北大西洋鯖漁業(約14萬公噸)、英國西南角的Cornwall手釣漁業及愛爾蘭、挪威、丹麥、瑞典、荷蘭的鯖漁業,更迫使1,400種獲生態標章認證成功行銷全歐的生鮮、煙燻東森房屋、罐裝及冷凍的鯖魚商品,自3月31日 起不得使用MSC生態標章。法羅群島及冰島係於2010年以其水域的鯖魚資源量於夏天產季期間暴增為由,宣佈自訂配額較傳統額度大幅增加30萬。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 6/2012,網路行銷2 April 2012) MACKEREL FISHERIES LOSE ECO-LABEL AFTER ICELAND AND FAROES BREACH QUOTAS Europe’s largest eco-labelled fisheries are to lose their eco-label after the Faroes and Iceland breached strict 九份民宿limits on quotas for mackerel. The Marine Stewardship Council confirmed that it would suspend its accreditation for eight mackerel fisheries on 31 March, after the European Union failed to persuade the 保濕面膜Faroeses and Icelandic governments to cut their catches. The decision will mean that all the accredited North Sea and Atlantic mackerel fisheries will lose their discs eco-label, a measure that will 租辦公室affect 1,400 fresh, smoked, canned and frozen eco-labelled products sold across Europe. Any mackerel landed in Europe from 31 March will not be allowed to use the MSC logo. The suspension affects the UK設計裝潢’s largest single fishery, the north-east Atlantic mackerel fishery, worth 140,000 MT, alongside the much smaller south-west England handline fishery in Cornwall and significant mackerel fisheries in 酒店兼職Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. The crisis erupted in 2010 after the Faroes and Iceland said they were greatly increasing their catch sizes from their traditional limits, up to 澎湖民宿nearly 300,000 MT in total. They assert that mackerel are now feeding and spawning in mu

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